Apply For Membership

MN IAAI Membership

Types of Membership Available:


Any representative of government or of a governmental agency and any representative of a business or industrial concern who is actively engaged in some phase of the suppression of arson. Applicants for active membership must be a member in good standing of the International Association of Arson Investigators at the time he/she makes application. Membership dues: $50.00 annually.


Persons meeting the requirements of active membership who are not members of the International may apply for associate membership. Associate members shall have the privileges of an active member except voting and holding office. Membership dues: $50.00 annually.


Individuals or organizations interested in carrying out the purposes of the Chapter may apply for sustaining membership status upon contribution of not less than two hundred and fifty ($250) dollars annually.

What is the difference between Active And Associate Membership?

An Active Member is also a member of our parent organization, The International Association of Arson Investigators. An Associate Member is only a member of the local chapter.

How Can I Join?

Join Now

You can download the application form and mail it with your check to the MNIAAI Membership Chair.